The word "illusion," known in Sanskrit as "maya," has multiple meanings, which are all centered on the idea that we do not experience the environment itself -- but rather a projection of it, created by us.
Similar to the definition, the film Illusion, also has multiple meanings in accordance with the viewer's eye. So, we the filmmakers have created multiple synopses of the film, based on how you, the viewer, would like to experience it.
If you would like to experience Illusion as a metaphor, read this synopsis:
Laura is a willing, albeit hesitant, participant in this game we call "life." When she meets Mark, the love of her life, she is instantly attracted to him and intrigued by his perspective of the world, different than how she was ever taught to think. While Mark is whole and present, a man who is able to live in the moment, Laura in contrast is: fragile and influenced by her past, living mostly in the illusions she creates in her own mind. Faced with everything she has ever wanted, Laura experiences the doubts and the fear that come with the gift of true love. Through Mark's unwavering presence, Laura gets to experience the rollercoaster of her mind from the highest highs to the lowest lows that cause her to fall from grace into the depths of our deepest human fears.
Until Laura finally understands that these highs and lows are simply her mind, creating an illusion, she will continue to go within the circles of her own habits. Can she finally change this pattern and learn to live free of doubts and fears?
If you would like to experience Illusion as a literal film, read this synopsis:
As one of the last two people on Earth, Laura must fall in love with Mark, the last remaining man on the planet, in order to ensure her survival -- and the survival of the entire human race. However, after years of enduring abuse, lies, anger and pain, Laura is utterly incapable of sharing herself with anyone. Can she learn to grow beyond her fears in order to not only save the human race, but to finally wake herself up from the sleepwalking trance she has been living in for the last 25 years? If she succeeds, the world will go on and she will finally feel alive. However, if she does not succeed, there is no hope for Laura, Mark, or the future of humanity. The survival of the human race lies in Laura's ability to give and receive love. It sounds so easy – until you're the one that must fight the illusion of fear.
If you'd like to experience Illusion as a fantasy, read this synopsis:
Mark and Laura, a young couple in love, inhabit a beautiful world where the colors are more vibrant, the air more crisp, one can hear the call of nature's every move from the bee buzzing to the ladybug dancing. In this world, Laura sees things Mark does not. Mark is ever-present and the love of Laura's life. He's everything she's ever dreamed of. But because the love is so strong, and the fear of losing that love even stronger, Mark triggers Laura's illusory hallucinations even greater. The love between the couple lifts them to the greatest heights of the sun, at the same time, Laura's mind drops her down to the greatest depths on earth. She wants so badly to be with Mark, but her hallucinations won't allow for that. In the end, she is presented with a choice. She can chose to be present and stay with Mark, or chose her thoughts, and in the trip, lose the love of her life.

The word "illusion," known in Sanskrit as "maya," has multiple meanings, which are all centered on the idea that we do not experience the environment itself -- but rather a projection of it, created by us.
Similar to the definition, the film Illusion, also has multiple meanings in accordance with the viewer's eye. So, we the filmmakers have created multiple synopses of the film, based on how you, the viewer, would like to experience it.
If you would like to experience Illusion as a metaphor, read this synopsis:
Laura is a willing, albeit hesitant, participant in this game we call "life." When she meets Mark, the love of her life, she is instantly attracted to him and intrigued by his perspective of the world, different than how she was ever taught to think. While Mark is whole and present, a man who is able to live in the moment, Laura in contrast is: fragile and influenced by her past, living mostly in the illusions she creates in her own mind. Faced with everything she has ever wanted, Laura experiences the doubts and the fear that come with the gift of true love. Through Mark's unwavering presence, Laura gets to experience the rollercoaster of her mind from the highest highs to the lowest lows that cause her to fall from grace into the depths of our deepest human fears.
Until Laura finally understands that these highs and lows are simply her mind, creating an illusion, she will continue to go within the circles of her own habits. Can she finally change this pattern and learn to live free of doubts and fears?
If you would like to experience Illusion as a literal film, read this synopsis:
As one of the last two people on Earth, Laura must fall in love with Mark, the last remaining man on the planet, in order to ensure her survival -- and the survival of the entire human race. However, after years of enduring abuse, lies, anger and pain, Laura is utterly incapable of sharing herself with anyone. Can she learn to grow beyond her fears in order to not only save the human race, but to finally wake herself up from the sleepwalking trance she has been living in for the last 25 years? If she succeeds, the world will go on and she will finally feel alive. However, if she does not succeed, there is no hope for Laura, Mark, or the future of humanity. The survival of the human race lies in Laura's ability to give and receive love. It sounds so easy – until you're the one that must fight the illusion of fear.
If you'd like to experience Illusion as a fantasy, read this synopsis:
Mark and Laura, a young couple in love, inhabit a beautiful world where the colors are more vibrant, the air more crisp, one can hear the call of nature's every move from the bee buzzing to the ladybug dancing. In this world, Laura sees things Mark does not. Mark is ever-present and the love of Laura's life. He's everything she's ever dreamed of. But because the love is so strong, and the fear of losing that love even stronger, Mark triggers Laura's illusory hallucinations even greater. The love between the couple lifts them to the greatest heights of the sun, at the same time, Laura's mind drops her down to the greatest depths on earth. She wants so badly to be with Mark, but her hallucinations won't allow for that. In the end, she is presented with a choice. She can chose to be present and stay with Mark, or chose her thoughts, and in the trip, lose the love of her life.